Discover The ‘Essence of You’

tick-blue-v-smallDo you feel uncertain about your job or career – looking to find and do a job that you love?

tick-blue-v-smallDo you struggle to confidently describe your strengths and motivation to yourself and others?

tick-blue-v-smallDo you feel that you are at a crossroads in work or life and looking for direction?

If you can answer yes to any of the above questions the ‘Essence of You’ workshops were designed to help you.  Attendees from previous workshops describe how they have rediscovered themselves and are confidently able to articulate who they are and why they do what they do.  Others talk about how the workshops gave them new-found confidence  and motivation to find a direction or career that is better suited to them. 

We can help you to discover the key ingredients that make you the person you were born to be – your innate, authentic essence.   

Turn up with an open mind, be ready to explore something you haven’t done before and
think hard about what you would be if other people hadn’t told you”
Clare Gillbanks

Workshops take place regularly across the UK
sign up here to be notified of the next one near you

You will leave the workshop with tangible words and phrases that articulate your authentic motivation and strengths, helping you to make the right decisions in the future.  You will have more confidence to be true to yourself as an individual and differentiate yourself as a company. 

Please take a look at this video to see the response from previous delegates:


Discover the Essence of You workshopThe half-day workshop takes you through a very practical process that will help you to discover more about yourself.  Richard, will guide you through an insightful  process that connects with your intuitive and innate wisdom, stripping away the ‘noise’ and ‘trash’ that society has told you about yourself to reveal the bare truth.

You will take away a visual reminder of your essence to treasure and use as a bench-mark on which to make all future key decisions, whether in life or work.

 “Richard has an easy and friendly style of facilitation that makes opening to the process simple and enjoyable as well as a great skill in asking pertinent questions that get to the core of understanding”
Laila Elizabeth Risdon

 Your essence is a unique combination of your
why’ and your ‘who’

Brand discovery workshopYour why is your purpose – your reason for being, and your who is a combination of character traits that determine how your purpose is achieved in the most authentic way for you.

When combined together, your why and who define the foundation upon which everything else you do is determined. If you run your own company it will underpin your strategic decision-making process for all aspects of your company from marketing to sales to recruitment, while also making sure that you stand out from the crowd by ensuring that customers understand the ethos and character of your company.

As an individual your essence will guide you in all major decisions including your partner, choice of career, future employers and personal interests.  If you are true to your essence it will help you make the right decisions from which you can be happy and content, while also knowing that you are moving in the right direction towards fulfilling your true life purpose.

We would love to welcome you to a future ‘Essence of You’ discovery workshop, and plan to run them all over the UK as the demand requires.

If you are interested in attending a workshop please sign up below including the name of your nearest town.   We will let you know when a workshop is taking place near you.

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